Office 365 support and migration
Office 365 and Cloud computing
So what is cloud? Well basically instead of having your data in house (on premise) e.g. on a server that sits in the corner of your office, you pay someone to host it on their servers just like you already do with your website.
This generally makes it more accessible to users via laptops, tablets and smart phones and means you don`t always need to be in the office.
The Hybrid model is a mixture of both onsite server and cloud based apps such as Office 365,teams etc.
The onsite server will give you all you need to work locally and will integrate with office 365 to work remotely.

Office 365 Planning
There are various different subscription options to accommodate both personal and business clients of different sizes and their every growing IT requirements, so call us and we will help you decide which Office 365 plan best suits your needs.
Why not move your IT infrastructure to a professional and reliable provider?
Office 365 support and migration
We take the hassle out of moving you to the cloud, contact us for more information on office 365 migration, a certified technician will do all the migration work for you, just as we have done with existing office 365 customers around Birmingham and Tamworth who are already using and enjoying the online experience. We can even set up an office 365 Trial account so you can see how all the features work before you make a decision.